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Holmer Lake Primary School

Here are some useful websites to use help you with your learning.


Some of these websites are accessed using your login details from school.

You can find your log in details in your reading diary 

Use ICT GAMES for lots of great maths and english games.

Click HERE to find out which games are best for Year 2

ESPRESSO has lots of great maths and phonics games 

You will need your log in details


KS1 - Maths

KS1 - English - Phonics

(Phase 4 and Pahse 5)

Use PHONICS PLAY to practice all your letters and sounds.

Play Phase 4 and Phase 5 games 

SUPERMOVERS is great to get active whilst learning your maths and spellings and much more. 

Use SPELLING FRAME to improve your spelling.

Revise Year 1 and then move onto Year 2

Use DAILY TEN to improve your mental maths skills 

Start at LEVEL 1 

Use HIT THE BUTTON to practice your mental maths facts

Play these games..

Number Bonds to 10 and 20

Doubles and Halves to 10 and 20 

Times tables x2 x10 x5 

Use TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS to practise your timetables.

You will need your login details.

Your teacher has selected the times tables that you need to practice.

Use PURPLE MASH  to access maths, spelling and grammar activities.

You will need your log in details.

Go to your TO DOS to see what activities your teacher has selected for you. 

If you are researching on the internet in order to complete your homework - please ask an adult for permission and use safe internet searches as follows: 

Research searching 

Safe Search Kids



Image searching 



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