SEN - Curriculum
SEND – Curriculum
All of the teachers in school have received training from the school’s SENDCo on ways of adapting the core curriculum offered to meet the varying needs of children with SEND. Teachers have been provided with a number of examples of scaffolding devices which can be adapted to meet the needs of individuals. Holmer Lake is a fully inclusive school, but equally we understand that minor adaptations may need to be made, or support put in place to allow all children to access the curriculum to the best of their ability. In all our foundation subjects, end points are identified in each unit of work that children with SEND are expected to achieve.
The school is very well supported by an incredibly strong team of support staff. Although an undoubtedly invaluable resource, in the interest of promoting independence it is unlikely that the majority of children with SEND will be supported by an adult all of the time. We believe that SEND children, just like any others, need to learn how to think things through for themselves and to develop the important skills they will need later on in life.