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Holmer Lake Primary School

Lending a Helping Hand.



What is Early Help

At Holmer Lake Primary school we understand that family life can at times be challenging. From time to time there may be situations where you feel a little help and support would be of benefit.

Providing Early Help to our children and families means we can be more effective in preventing problems that might affect your children’s ability to flourish and learn. Early Help will provide support as soon as a concern emerges. It is about supporting children and young people when there is a challenge in their lives, or that of their families, as soon as possible. At any stage of life, a little extra support may be required. There are many reasons a family may benefit from Early Help support. As a school we are not here to judge or to tell you what to do, the offer of Early Help comes in all shapes and sizes and can be from a chat with Mrs Davies to completing an Early Help Assessment with her.

What is an Early Help Assessment

The assessment can identify the needs and level of support a family need from school or external agencies. The assessment is evidence based and solution focused to identify positive changes needed for the family. They are a way of bringing all services together in a multi-agency approach to support the family, the ensure continued support.

Using the Assessment

As a parent or carer, you will meet with Mrs Davies and talk about what is going well for your family and what is not going so well, Mrs Davies will then discuss the sort of help available. This conversation might lead to an Early Help Assessment or other kinds of help to best support you and your family. If an assessment is completed it gives a full picture of the family, which is used to identify the areas extra support is required. The assessment is voluntary.

What will the assessment show?

  • What is going well and not so well.
  • Help you and others to see what support you might need.
  • Create a picture of the circumstances surrounding your family.
  • Help you to be a part of the team working together to help support and make positive changes.

What happens after the assessment is completed?

With your consent the assessment is shared with outside agencies to help support you and your family. Sharing the assessment is confidential.

Please remember we appreciate every family and every situation is different, so your support will be tailored to your needs. All support we provide is confidential and you can decide the level of help and advice that you would like.

To start the conversation, please book an appointment with the Early Help lead (Mrs Jo Davies) via the school office 01952 387580 or email [email protected]


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