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Holmer Lake Primary School

SEN - Parents' Voice

We believe that the parents of children with SEND play an essential role in supporting their children’s progress both in and out of school. As a result of this, the school work hard to ensure strong links with parents. The school’s inclusion team are always available before and after school to talk to, should you have any queries or concerns. The SENDCo also provides termly information by newsletter for all parents. Further appointments can be made with the SENDCo as required by contacting the school. Class teachers are also always available both before and after school. Feedback on provision for children with SEND is also welcomed on our termly parent questionnaires, which are handed out at parents’ evenings.

We are very pleased with the support we offer and we know that on the whole our parents are too -they have told us this in many parent questionnaires. If any parents are unclear or unsure of the support their child is receiving however, in the first instance the issue should be discussed with the child’s class teacher. If the issue is still not resolved it may be relevant to speak to the school SENDCo. Should further action be required, in line with the school’s complaints procedure, the Headteacher  may need to be involved, or as a last resort the Local Authority. 

Family Connect

Family Connect is a free, confidential service providing, impartial advice, information, guidance and support on a full range of children’s services available across the borough including childcare, activities, school admissions and finance.

Telephone: (01952) 385385

Family Connect


Information Advice Support Service (IASS)

IASS aim to help parents of children with SEND so that they can feel more confident in being able to take an active role in making sure any educational needs are met. If you are a parent with a child at school, or a young person up to the age of 25, and you are looking for practical help with special educational needs procedures, information concerning health or social care or you just want someone to listen to your concerns - do get in touch.


[email protected]

(01952) 457176


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